Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ghetto City by the Bay

No more frantic searching.

No more conversations with random people whom I met years ago with six degrees of separation away from me about a possible job opening.

No more sending out resumes and poorly-written cover letters.

I prayed to Tedford and the Great Oski in the Sky. They delivered.

I got a job with a small biotech company here in the Bay Area. And, damn it, I’m going to take it. There is no reason for me to consider other positions. The only leveraging factor is the pay scale – USC offered a little more money – but it’s not significant enough to tip the scales on this one. Unless something catastrophic happens, I expect to stay here with this position for the next two to three years.

I’ve also purchased my 2009 Cal football season tickets in the Young Alumni section.

Now all I have to do is stay awake long enough to finish my stupid lab report due 9am tomorrow before I can REALLY go on spring break.

I haven’t been this excited in a while.


  1. Hell yes dude! Congratulations!

  2. Mazel tov, as my people say, on being able to find a job in "this economy." :-P
