Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Best Little Whorehouse in Palo Alto

When I was little, my sister used to tease that my mother actually found me in a dumpster and raised me as her own. There are a couple of surprisingly plausible reasons to support this claim:
  • My mother was 40 years old when she had me. The fact that I didn't turn out with an arm coming out my face or as a musical genius-idiot savant is a medical miracle.
  • I am practically the only dog person among my family members and many, many relatives.
  • Corollary: I am deathly allergic to cats. Nobody else in my family is.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Asian moms are hardcore/confusing

I was at Elegance Hair Salon, waiting to get my usual cheap-o haircut from my man Jimmy, when I witnessed the pinnacle of a cultural  phenomenon I have grown up observing.