Monday, August 25, 2008

Semantics be damned

A conversation in the car, driving down Telegraph.

SRS: "We should go get Ethiopian food again sometime."
Me: "Sure. Speaking of which, at Davis, the Coke that we got had the special Olympics edition cans with "Coca-Cola" written in different languages, and one of them was Ethiopic."
G-Unit: "You mean Olympics Special Edition cans."
Me: "Isn't that what I said?"
SRS: "No, you said special Olympics edition."
Me: "Oops. I meant Olympics Special Edition."

A couple minutes pass.

Me: "I was hoping China's can would say the normal "Coca-Cola" on one side and "Coca-Cora" on the other."
SRS: "Except Chinese Coke would probably have some actual cocaine and some leftover girl fetus parts."

Another minute passes without speech.

Me: "I wonder what would be written for the Special Olympics edition cans."
G-Unit: "Dude. That's fucked up."
Me: "Probably 'duhraewrhuCOooOOoca CeahREAFooragh.'"

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