Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Grumpy Old Men 3: Stroke-Induced Brain Ischemia

Many of us non-undergrads frequent the on-campus restaurant/bar at Georgetown, The Epicurean (or, as I like to call it, The EpiKorean, considering their massive representation among the staff there). It's a pretty neat place - it's not dingy and crappy, the food quality is above average, there are lots of TVs for sports-viewing, and the happy hour specials draw us like bears to honey in our post-exam dazes. (Feel free to ask any Georgetown medical student about Dr. Suarez's anatomy exams, but prepare to shield yourself from the ensuing nosebleeds/vomit/swinging fists.)

Lunch today was just another "oh crap we have another exam in 72 hours" kind of day - swallowing my chicken tenders whole and hoping my stomach acid can do the rest so I could get back to studying ASAP. A couple of older Asian gentlemen sat down next to me. I minded my own business, eating away, and then they started talking in my native Mandarin - with Taiwanese accents, no less. So I slowed down my food-inhaling and shamelessly eavesdropped.

Lewis Black has a bit about overhearing something that, without proper context, would make absolutely zero sense and would drive you insane. His example was, "If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." The conversation I overheard was not as non-sensible. It did, however, convince me that they should both be stand-up comedians. Or sitcom writers working for a show destined for crap ratings, at the very least.

"That earthquake and tsunami in Japan...you know if that crap were to happen here in America, people would go crazy. Fox News would probably blame Obama's administration for it."
"You know earthquakes happen all the time in California, right?"
"Who cares about California? I live HERE."

"I saw this comedian on TV call North Korea 'North IKEA.'" [He's referring to Zach Galifianakis' monologue on SNL from this past Saturday]
"That's kind of funny."
"It was on this show called Saturday Night Live. This was the first time I'd seen the show."
"Yeah, it wasn't that great. I think it's new. It'll probably get cancelled pretty soon."

"My daughter took the MCAT this past weekend."
"How did she do?"
"She says she didn't feel great about it, but she doesn't want to retake it."
"Nonsense. Did you tell her that she needs to do her best if she wants to try to become a doctor?"
"No, I just told her that I was disappointed in her, then sat down and faked a far-off look in my eye. She went to her room right then and started studying." [Making Tiger Moms everywhere proud.]

Back in California in three days. Queuing up the Katy Perry, Phantom Planet, and Snoop.

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