Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I believe in Barack Obama.

Five hours ago, I was sitting in 10 Evans taking my Immunology midterm, racking my brain, designing torturous experiments to fuck over mice and deplete them of any chance of surviving a bacterial or viral injection (and having fun doing it, natch).

At around 7:45pm, one of the proctoring GSIs let out a little squeaky yelp, as if someone had stepped on a mouse (if you ever have the fortune to happen to listen to Sisi sneeze, it's about like that).


The rest of the class cheered a little bit and goes back to their exams. I was pissed that she broke my concentration, but I went back to my exam with a smile on my face.

I could also barely concentrate for the remainder of my exam because thoughts of sugar plum fairies and thriving small businesses danced around my head. As a result, I didn't finish two of the nine problems on the exam. So it is now official: I am blaming President Barack Obama for my soon-to-be poor grade in MCB 150.

President Barack Obama. Say that a couple of times to yourself. President Barack Obama of the United States of America. I'm going to keep saying it, especially because my mom is still sad that Hillary Clinton isn't the president.

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