Thursday, March 27, 2008

5:04 AM, and I am still a bitch.

In high school, I started a Xanga account in which I frequently wrote. As a matter of fact, up until about a month ago, I still wrote in it, albeit in recent years the updates have been far less frequent. I've decided that Xanga simply had too many frills for me and I'm going to switch over to a simpler, more direct format, hence this new blog. Speaking of which, I hate the word "blog" (damn you, Peter Merholz). Also, my close friend Albert began writing in a joint site with our mutual friend Yue, which made me think about whether or not my Xanga was worth keeping. My writing skills have never been particularly sharp or witty or even entertaining for that matter. My writing read like bland grocery lists except without the detailed accuracy or the excitement. It read exactly like a high schooler trying to act all creative and shit, and by shit I mean deep and insightful. And shit.

Then along came college and, like the history of the Irish, I was given bitchslap after bitchslap unto my round, completely undeserving ego/face/ass. My writing patterns quickly slowed to a lull, no thanks to the addition of Smash and that oh-so-wonderful elixir of youth and freedom that opens doors and loosens whores. (Booze.) Waiting for me to update my entries was like watching flies fuck: nobody did it. So here I am. This will be updated much more regularly because I like the look of the site, I like writing stuff down and sharing funny/interesting events with my friends, and it just feels...right.
Most importantly, I really like chicken.


  1. Here's a comment in celebration of your new weblog. Xanga is going to miss you.

    Is this blog going to be linked to Facebook?

  2. Hells yeah. Sting has a new blog. I'm all over this shit.
