Friday, June 18, 2010

Murphy's Law Strikes Again

Considering that I pay $80 per month for a gated carport in our apartment building, you'd expect some kind of security. I found my car, which was parked in my carport, ransacked.

This one was my fault completely for trusting the people in my apartment building and being too lazy to lock my car doors. Good thing I didn't leave anything really sentimental in there, like my iPod or laptop. But I lost my GPS, GPS charger, cell phone charger, auxiliary cable, and cheap-o sunglasses case from Daiso. Net loss of about $300. No broken windows or broken locks. So I'm thankful for that.

I guess this is what I get for cursing Sasha Vujacic during last night's game. The Machine clearly has friends in powerful places.

Thank heavens I'm moving home after this weekend.

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