Tuesday, March 9, 2010

30% irony, 100% coincidence

I can’t tell how much of this is irony and how much of it is plain dumb luck: watching an episode of Trauma on Hulu, thinking that it’s crappy and poorly written (there’s no way a person with claustrophobia could make it as a paramedic – the back of an ambulance is TINY), and then personally requiring emergency medical assistance a mere two hours later due to hypoglycemic shock at the gym. They sent six - count 'em, SIX - paramedics (okay, really 5.5, because one of them was a Basic on observation only) to take care of one little ol' me. And all I really needed was a can of Mountain Dew to get my blood sugar up.

The lesson of the day: EAT before you work out. Don’t be in a hurry/stupid like me.

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